- 勉学または研究のための在留資格「留学」(Student)で在日している方
- 同一の大学に正規生として1年以上在学している学部生または大学院生(修士・博士課程)の方
- 経済学、法学、工学系を専攻している方
- 学業・人物ともに優秀であり、かつ、健康である方
- 学資の調達が困難と認められる方
- 日本語による意思伝達、文章記述ができる方
年度 | 2024年度 |
募集期間 | 2024年5月1日(水)~6月28日(金)(必着) |
応募書類の請求方法 | 「お問い合わせ」フォームから、次の事項を明記して請求してください。 ・お名前 ・メールアドレス ・「お問い合わせ内容」に下記①~④ ① 大学(院)名 ② 学部(研究科)名 ③ 学科(専攻)名 ④ 学年(学部/修士/博士) 折り返し、募集要項と願書書式をお送りいたします。 ・応募書類は、日本語で記入。 ・奨学金の給付終了時、レポート(日本語)の提出要。 |
お問い合わせ先 | 「お問い合わせ」フォームからお問い合わせください。 |
The Foundation awards scholarships to foreign students studying in Japan.
Please be advised that details below sometimes change from year to year.
To be considered for the scholarship, the student must satisfy ALL of the requirement criteria below.
- The student must be qualified to the resident’s status of “student” and does not possess Japanese citizenship.
- He or she must be a regular student of a university or a graduate school, who has been enrolled in the same school for over a year.
- The student must be majoring one of the following fields : Economics, Law, Engineering.
- His or her academic achievement as well as moral character is exemplary. Also, he or she must be in good health.
- The student must be considered to be in need of financial aid due to extenuating financial circumstances.
- The student must be able to have daily communication and to read and write sentence in Japanese.
* The term “regular student” does not include research students, trainees, special students, audit students or exchange students.
* We do not accept any applications from those living outside of Japan.
* In the past, international students who received our foundation’s scholarship can not apply.
Research Support :
JPY 150,000 a year
Duration of Scholarship :
1 year
For further information, please contact us from the Inquiry Form.